Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I'm sure this is just the 1st of many problems to come!

Well...I almost lost it last night. The kids are starting to put their print orders together....I've promised good products....I sold myself and my pictures to them. So last night, I tried to put together an order for my sister. She wanted a canvas wrap and other 8 x 10's. When I go to do her canvas wrap, MPIX tells me, can't do anything bigger than a 8 x 10. Needs more resolution. So, I thought...I better try to see what some of the "kids" pics are going to be like. Nothing bigger than a 5 x 7 for some...16 x 24 for others. We read the camera manual....which does nothing for the pictures I took. We google online....we tried a million options. Nothing changes. I thought for sure...I had really screwed up. But it didn't make sense. So.....I went to bed, prayed for help, and then proceeded to have a sleepless night! When I got up, I decided to go to another printing company. They told me...the picture wasn't large enough, needed to be resized. As soon as I saw "resize" a lightbulb went off.......go to Picnik and "resize" the picture. So I did that and.....problem solved! I guess it makes sense that "larger" pictures take up more space in a file, so they get resized when they are downloaded.
Last night, I was ready to cancel all of my appointments, give people their money back, and quit. Today....I'm ready to take on my problems, learn from my mistakes, think with a clear mind, and do the best I can do!


  1. I'm glad you didn't just give up! The pictures you take are stunning and it would be a shame to see you not be able to do it. I hope everything runs smoothly from now on!

    ~ Jessica.

  2. So proud of you always - and especially now that you worked through this problem. Remember, have faith - and keep a clear head!
